Healthcare workers and concerned citizen in Louisiana unite! Please add your name to this open letter to the Louisiana Department of Health imploring them to reverse their dangerous new policy that prohibits their employees from promoting flu, covid, and mpox vaccines, talking about them, or even holding vaccine drives.
Your voice is more important now than ever.
Only your name and city will appear in the letter. Your email will be kept private and will not be shared. We encourage you to sign up for updates so that we can alert you to other opportunities like this one. Thank you for your advocacy!
Open Letter from Louisiana Healthcare Workers and Concerned Citizens to the Louisiana Department of Health
To the leadership at the Louisiana Department of Health,
As physicians, nurses, teachers, parents, and concerned citizens of Louisiana dedicated to the health and well-being of Louisiana’s families, we are alarmed by the Louisiana Department of Health’s recent anti-science policy shift regarding vaccines. While claiming to promote personal choice, these policies actively limit access to vaccines by prohibiting clinics and preventing staff from even offering them. This approach not only restricts choices for families but undermines their ability to protect themselves against preventable diseases.
LDH has stated that vaccines should be a decision between patients and their doctors. We unequivocally underscore the importance of staying up to date on recommended vaccines. Vaccines are safe, effective and one of the most powerful tools we have to protect individuals and communities from serious illnesses. For those with rare medical exceptions—affecting less than one percent of the population—community immunity becomes even more critical.
Louisiana families deserve the freedom to access vaccines and the assurance of accurate, science-based guidance from public health leaders. Denying these fundamental resources endangers lives, as falling vaccination rates lead to preventable illnesses, increased healthcare costs, and disruptions to workplaces and schools.
Vaccine access saves lives. We implore the Louisiana Department of Health to reverse these dangerous policies. Public health leadership must prioritize transparency, education and access to lifesaving immunizations. Louisiana families deserve nothing less.
Louisiana Families for Vaccines, Louisiana healthcare workers, and concerned citizens signed below.